
Harold Simmons Park is where nature unites Dallas.  It turns a divider into a connector.  Connecting people to nature and to one another.

It turns a divider into a connector and will help unite our city.

commitment to the Community

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"Worth the Wait"

Dallas needs this park, now more than ever. Harold Simmons Park is “a park for everyone”. The Harold Simmons Park will be an inviting place, where everyone feels welcome and safe.  We are committed to listening and interacting with all Dallas neighborhoods to build a park with community input. 

Community Vision Plan

Trinity Park Conservancy, in concert with Builders of Hope CDC, the communities of West Dallas and the City of Dallas, created the first Community Vision Plan for West Dallas.  This inclusive and unified vision for West Dallas seeks to foster future investment and development in a way that meets community needs and ultimately reduces displacement by creating a thriving community with a path to stability, equity, opportunity, and connectivity.

Commitment to Communities

Harold Simmons Park is committed to its obligations of positively impacting our communities. Our hope is to build a park that improves the quality of life for the citizens of Dallas and lifts up communities.

Outreach Efforts

You can’t build a park for “everyone” without learning the wants and needs of the people.  Our engagement strategy is a comprehensive one, inclusive of our Dallas communities.  We are engaging community members, community leaders, city leaders, building community partnerships, learning from park experts around the country, and using a wide range of strategies to reach the citizens of Dallas.



Open Communication

Open communication is a never-ending process.  We will continue to share information with and listen to our communities.  We will be transparent with our communication and our public engagement for Harold Simmons Park.

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