El río Trinity

El río Trinity es una joya por descubrir de Dallas que se esconde a plena vista.

El río Trinity es un activo infrautilizado que transformará y unirá nuestra ciudad.

The Trinity River is a vast and untapped resource within Dallas. With the largest urban hardwood forest in the nation and thousands of acres of outdoor space, Dallas residents have a beautiful and unique ecosystem right in their backyards. Because of Harold Simmons Park, residents and visitors will have more access than ever before to beautiful natural landscapes for walking, biking, picnics, and more. The Conservancy is proud to be the stewards of this project and to work with Dallas residents to make the vision a reality.

El parque está en el centro de Dallas y el río está en el centro del parque.

"Llévame al río"

Es un río increíble. Explórelo.

Un proyecto de Trinity Park Conservancy. Visite trinityparkconservancy.org

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